Fine food for thought in Northwestern BC

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Christmas in the Kispiox: December 2016

I’ve been feeling like writing another update for a couple of weeks now but we were busy with some preparations that we should have thought about and should have gotten to before it got down to colder than I’ve seen since I was a teenager […]

Oh my, it’s wet and grey!

Oh my it’s wet and grey in the Kispiox this morning! So much for my plan to start a massive digging project in the garden, which we walked away from weeks ago, intending to be right back. I am capable of working in the rain, […]

Kispiox Update: 3 months in

“Up North” I am thinking about Hurricane Matthew right now. Because the internet is patchy here and I often go days without turning on the radio, I was shocked this morning to find out it has ploughed through Haiti and Cuba and the lesser Antilles […]

Winter Chores on the Farm

Winter Chores on the Farm

My two young housemates have left for a couple of weeks in the city, looking after a friend’s place and doing some holiday visiting. I knew this was in the works, but that didn’t stop me from panicking when it was almost time for them […]